19-Year-Old Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7,250,000 Tons Of Plastic From the Worlds Oceans

The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, Ocean Cleanup Array, Boyan Slat, pacific garbage patch, garbage patch, plastic fibres, plastic foodchain, plastic recycling, TED, gyres
19-year-old Boyan Slat has unveiled plans to create an Ocean Cleanup Array that could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans. The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that could be dispatched to garbage patches around the world. Instead of moving through the ocean, the array would span the radius of a garbage patch, acting as a giant funnel. The angle of the booms would force plastic in the direction of the platforms, where it would be separated from plankton, filtered and stored for recycling. 
The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, Ocean Cleanup Array, Boyan Slat, pacific garbage patch, garbage patch, plastic fibres, plastic foodchain, plastic recycling, TED, gyres,

At school, Boyan Slat launched a project that analyzed the size and amount of plastic particles in the ocean’s garbage patches. His final paper went on to win several prizes, including Best Technical Design 2012 at the Delft University of Technology. Boyan continued to develop his concept during the summer of 2012, and he revealed it several months later at TEDxDelft 2012.
Slat went on to found The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, a non-profit organization which is responsible for the development of his proposed technologies. His ingenious solution could potentially save hundreds of thousands of aquatic animals annually, and reduce pollutants (including PCB and DDT) from building up in the food chain. It could also save millions per year, both in clean-up costs, lost tourism and damage to marine vessels.
It is estimated that the clean-up process would take about five years, and it could greatly increase awareness about the world’s plastic garbage patches. On his site Slat says, “One of the problems with preventive work is that there isn’t any imagery of these ‘garbage patches’, because the debris is dispersed over millions of square kilometres. By placing our arrays however, it will accumulate along the booms, making it suddenly possible to actually visualize the oceanic garbage patches. We need to stress the importance of recycling, and reducing our consumption of plastic packaging.” To find out more about the project and to contribute, click here.

19-Year-Old Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7,250,000 Tons Of Plastic From the Worlds Oceans

The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, Ocean Cleanup Array, Boyan Slat, pacific garbage patch, garbage patch, plastic fibres, plastic foodchain, plastic recycling, TED, gyres
19-year-old Boyan Slat has unveiled plans to create an Ocean Cleanup Array that could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans. The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that could be dispatched to garbage patches around the world. Instead of moving through the ocean, the array would span the radius of a garbage patch, acting as a giant funnel. The angle of the booms would force plastic in the direction of the platforms, where it would be separated from plankton, filtered and stored for recycling. 
The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, Ocean Cleanup Array, Boyan Slat, pacific garbage patch, garbage patch, plastic fibres, plastic foodchain, plastic recycling, TED, gyres,

At school, Boyan Slat launched a project that analyzed the size and amount of plastic particles in the ocean’s garbage patches. His final paper went on to win several prizes, including Best Technical Design 2012 at the Delft University of Technology. Boyan continued to develop his concept during the summer of 2012, and he revealed it several months later at TEDxDelft 2012.
Slat went on to found The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, a non-profit organization which is responsible for the development of his proposed technologies. His ingenious solution could potentially save hundreds of thousands of aquatic animals annually, and reduce pollutants (including PCB and DDT) from building up in the food chain. It could also save millions per year, both in clean-up costs, lost tourism and damage to marine vessels.
It is estimated that the clean-up process would take about five years, and it could greatly increase awareness about the world’s plastic garbage patches. On his site Slat says, “One of the problems with preventive work is that there isn’t any imagery of these ‘garbage patches’, because the debris is dispersed over millions of square kilometres. By placing our arrays however, it will accumulate along the booms, making it suddenly possible to actually visualize the oceanic garbage patches. We need to stress the importance of recycling, and reducing our consumption of plastic packaging.” To find out more about the project and to contribute, click here.

The gel that stops bleeding instantly

The gel that stops bleeding instantlyAll-purpose healing gels familiar to fans of futuristic video games and movies could be about to make the transition from sci-fi fantasy to real-world medical tool thanks to a New York University student who has invented a gel that can instantly halt bleeding in even the most serious of wounds.

Veti-Gel, the name chosen by NYU student Joe Landolina uses plant polymers to rapidly solidify when applied to open wounds, and by a bizarre coincidence was initially being developed under the name Medi-Gel, the name of a fictional healing gel from the Mass Effect video game series with almost identical properties.
Humans Invent spoke to Joe Landolina about the development of Veti-Gel, and how in just a few years he went from high-school science geek to possibly securing a deal with the US military.

Stops bleeding

“In all of our tests we found we were able to immediately stop bleeding,” says Landolina. “Your skin has this thing called the extracellular matrix,” he explains. “It’s kind of a mesh of molecules and sugars and protein that holds your cells in place.”
Landolina synthesises his own extracellular matrix (ECM) using plant polymers, which can form a liquid when broken up into pieces. He says, “So it goes into the wound and the pieces of the synthetic ECM in the gel will recognise the pieces of the real ECM in the wound and they’ll link together. It will re-assemble into something that looks like, feels like and acts like skin.”
In all of our tests we found we were able to immediately stop bleeding
If Veti-Gel works as well as Landolina claims, it would be of obvious interest to the military, where a quick response to severe bleeding can make the difference between life and death. Current blood-clotting agents still require a medic to apply pressure, and take up to three minutes to take effect.
“We haven’t entered formal talks, but I’ve been talking to a few officials in the military who really like the product,” says Landolina. “I’ve spoken to DARPA about it. We’re definitely looking at the military as one of our main customers,” he adds.
Interestingly, Veti-Gel doesn’t just stop bleeding but seems to initiate the healing process. “It works in three ways,” says Landolina. “The first way is it works as a tissue adhesive,” he explains. “It actually holds its own pressure onto the wound so you don’t have to do it. Secondly, when it touches the blood, it does something called activating Factor 12.”
This activates fibrin, which is the polymer you need to make a blood clot, explains Landolina. “Finally, it activates platelet cells.” The gel causes these to bind to the fibrin, causing a tight seal. Landolina says the speed at which this process happens is what triggers the healing process. “We don’t have all the testing to back it up yet – but it should allow it to heal faster over time,” he says.

Tissue engineering

Landolina was interested in science from a young age, and having a vineyard in the family gave him access to a lab when he was a child.
He says, “I was always very interested in the medical field since before I was in high-school. My family had a winery in upstate New York, so we had chemistry labs there and I used to be able to experiment around. I learned the ropes very early, my grandfather taught me everything – he was a wine maker and a chemist.”
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Landolina laid the foundations for his later work while still in high school: “I did summer programs at Columbia University. While I was there I learnt how to do tissue engineering, which really got me interested in the bioengineering side of medicine.”
But it was after he graduated from high school that Landolina started to attract attention with Veti-Gel. Back in 2011, he entered two college competitions with his business partner Isaac Miller, and it was their success in those competitions that led to the formation of their company, Suneris, Inc.
Landolina says, “We ended up getting second place at the business school which is where [Isaac Miller] was from and we took first place at the engineering school which is where I was from. And with that we got so much interest that we decided to keep going and turn it into a real company.”

Platform technology

The past two years have seen Landolina and Miller develop their company and their product, now working under the supervision of cardiovascular surgeon Dr Herbert Dardik at Englewood Hospital in New Jersey. Landolina is also currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in biomolecular and chemical engineering and a masters in biomedical engineering simultaneously. Needless to say, the future looks promising for Joe Landolina and his miracle healing gel.
We’re definitely looking at the military as one of our main customers
He says, “The gel is what we call a platform technology, it’s very biocompatible – your body recognises it, and you can mix just about anything into it. We’re doing tests to see if we can actually make it work for healing wounds that won’t heal by adding in therapeutics or drugs; you can put antibiotics into it, you can put just about anything you want into it.”
Landolina has begun the process of securing approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. He says, “The gel, once it gets FDA approval, has a huge amount of ramifications, not only having something that can be available to every medic, so that you can immediately stop traumatic bleeding, but also something surgeons use in the operating room, so that if you have some bleeding that arises on the operating table you don’t lose the patient.”
But Landolina also envisages more everyday uses for Veti-Gel: “Every mother has something in their purse, just so that if their kid cuts themself, you can slap it on, and it takes the place of a liquid bandage. All the way to care of the elderly where you have bed sores, you can put this on – hopefully it can work on healing the ulcers. We’re just trying to work out where it fits into the grand scheme of things.”
Clinical trials will begin around the same time as Veti-Gel is released for the military, Landolina says, which may take up to a year and a half. But until then, you’ll just have to settle for a plaster and a couple of paracetamol.
For more information go to Suneris, Inc.

The gel that stops bleeding instantly

The gel that stops bleeding instantlyAll-purpose healing gels familiar to fans of futuristic video games and movies could be about to make the transition from sci-fi fantasy to real-world medical tool thanks to a New York University student who has invented a gel that can instantly halt bleeding in even the most serious of wounds.

Veti-Gel, the name chosen by NYU student Joe Landolina uses plant polymers to rapidly solidify when applied to open wounds, and by a bizarre coincidence was initially being developed under the name Medi-Gel, the name of a fictional healing gel from the Mass Effect video game series with almost identical properties.
Humans Invent spoke to Joe Landolina about the development of Veti-Gel, and how in just a few years he went from high-school science geek to possibly securing a deal with the US military.

Stops bleeding

“In all of our tests we found we were able to immediately stop bleeding,” says Landolina. “Your skin has this thing called the extracellular matrix,” he explains. “It’s kind of a mesh of molecules and sugars and protein that holds your cells in place.”
Landolina synthesises his own extracellular matrix (ECM) using plant polymers, which can form a liquid when broken up into pieces. He says, “So it goes into the wound and the pieces of the synthetic ECM in the gel will recognise the pieces of the real ECM in the wound and they’ll link together. It will re-assemble into something that looks like, feels like and acts like skin.”
In all of our tests we found we were able to immediately stop bleeding
If Veti-Gel works as well as Landolina claims, it would be of obvious interest to the military, where a quick response to severe bleeding can make the difference between life and death. Current blood-clotting agents still require a medic to apply pressure, and take up to three minutes to take effect.
“We haven’t entered formal talks, but I’ve been talking to a few officials in the military who really like the product,” says Landolina. “I’ve spoken to DARPA about it. We’re definitely looking at the military as one of our main customers,” he adds.
Interestingly, Veti-Gel doesn’t just stop bleeding but seems to initiate the healing process. “It works in three ways,” says Landolina. “The first way is it works as a tissue adhesive,” he explains. “It actually holds its own pressure onto the wound so you don’t have to do it. Secondly, when it touches the blood, it does something called activating Factor 12.”
This activates fibrin, which is the polymer you need to make a blood clot, explains Landolina. “Finally, it activates platelet cells.” The gel causes these to bind to the fibrin, causing a tight seal. Landolina says the speed at which this process happens is what triggers the healing process. “We don’t have all the testing to back it up yet – but it should allow it to heal faster over time,” he says.

Tissue engineering

Landolina was interested in science from a young age, and having a vineyard in the family gave him access to a lab when he was a child.
He says, “I was always very interested in the medical field since before I was in high-school. My family had a winery in upstate New York, so we had chemistry labs there and I used to be able to experiment around. I learned the ropes very early, my grandfather taught me everything – he was a wine maker and a chemist.”
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Landolina laid the foundations for his later work while still in high school: “I did summer programs at Columbia University. While I was there I learnt how to do tissue engineering, which really got me interested in the bioengineering side of medicine.”
But it was after he graduated from high school that Landolina started to attract attention with Veti-Gel. Back in 2011, he entered two college competitions with his business partner Isaac Miller, and it was their success in those competitions that led to the formation of their company, Suneris, Inc.
Landolina says, “We ended up getting second place at the business school which is where [Isaac Miller] was from and we took first place at the engineering school which is where I was from. And with that we got so much interest that we decided to keep going and turn it into a real company.”

Platform technology

The past two years have seen Landolina and Miller develop their company and their product, now working under the supervision of cardiovascular surgeon Dr Herbert Dardik at Englewood Hospital in New Jersey. Landolina is also currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in biomolecular and chemical engineering and a masters in biomedical engineering simultaneously. Needless to say, the future looks promising for Joe Landolina and his miracle healing gel.
We’re definitely looking at the military as one of our main customers
He says, “The gel is what we call a platform technology, it’s very biocompatible – your body recognises it, and you can mix just about anything into it. We’re doing tests to see if we can actually make it work for healing wounds that won’t heal by adding in therapeutics or drugs; you can put antibiotics into it, you can put just about anything you want into it.”
Landolina has begun the process of securing approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. He says, “The gel, once it gets FDA approval, has a huge amount of ramifications, not only having something that can be available to every medic, so that you can immediately stop traumatic bleeding, but also something surgeons use in the operating room, so that if you have some bleeding that arises on the operating table you don’t lose the patient.”
But Landolina also envisages more everyday uses for Veti-Gel: “Every mother has something in their purse, just so that if their kid cuts themself, you can slap it on, and it takes the place of a liquid bandage. All the way to care of the elderly where you have bed sores, you can put this on – hopefully it can work on healing the ulcers. We’re just trying to work out where it fits into the grand scheme of things.”
Clinical trials will begin around the same time as Veti-Gel is released for the military, Landolina says, which may take up to a year and a half. But until then, you’ll just have to settle for a plaster and a couple of paracetamol.
For more information go to Suneris, Inc.

7 Nasty Effects of BPA – The Plastic Chemical

bpaplastics 258x161 7 Nasty Effects of BPA   The Plastic ChemicalBisphenol a (BPA) is the widely used chemical found in many plastics, food can linings, and even on US dollars and receipts. Known as an endocrine-disrupting chemical that mimics the hormone estrogen, BPA has been linked to numerous negative health effects in countless studies. The worst part? While the Food and Drug Administration considered banning the chemical in March of 2012, the ban was denied, and BPA continues to be ubiquitous. So what exactly does mean? It means the entire U.S. is still subjected to the chemical’s negative effects.
Here are 7 nasty effects of BPA.

1. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is slowly becoming one of the many well-known negative outcomes induced by BPA exposure. In fact, over 130 studies have confirmed the link between bisphenol A and to ailments like breast cancer, obesity, and reproductive problems. Ironically, the popular nonprofit Susan G. Komen for the Cure partners with many bottled water companies for their ‘For the Cure’ races across the nation. The problem, obviously, is that most of these plastic bottles contain BPA.

2. Early Puberty

While girls typically enter into puberty (or have in the past, at least) at just over ten years of age, studies show that this age has fallen by more than a year within only one generation. Some girls are even seeing breasts at 7 years old. Although there are other factors to consider, BPA may be to blame as well.
After examining 1,151 girls between the ages of 6 and 8 in the United States over a two year period, researchers found that multiple chemical classes were detected at high levels within the girls’ urine. About one-third of the girls went through puberty prematurely.
“Our research shows a connection between chemicals that girls are exposed to on a daily basis and either delayed or early development. While more research is needed, these data are an important first step in evaluating the impact of these common environmental agents in putting girls at risk,” lead researchers Dr Mary Wolff said.

3. Heart Disease

Some research has linked both BPA and phthalates to a disorder known as atherosclerosis. This disorder, which is the hardening of the arteries through the buildup of plaques, negatively impacts blood flow and ultimately increases your risk of heart disease. Shocking, the research is not the first of its kind. One team also found that individuals with higher levels of bisphenol-a in their urine were more than twice as likely to suffer from coronary heart disease than those with lower levels.

4. and 5. Infertility in Males and Females

Bisphenol a has been found to be adversely affecting male genital development, subsequently leading to compromised fertility health. One study examined the effects of BPA on the distance between the genitalia and the anus in males, known as the Anogenital distance (AGD). AGD is very important biologically for a number of reasons, and plays a prominent role in the health of one’s fertility. Researchers found that parental exposure to BPA during pregnancy was associated with shortened AGD in male offspring. In other words, high level BPA exposure led to offspring with AGD defects.
AGD has been linked to fertility in males, making BPA’s negative impact on the male reproductive system noteworthy. Men with an AGD lower than the median, which sits around 52 mm (2 in), have seven times the chance of being sub-fertile as compared to those with a longer AGD.
But males aren’t the only one’s suffering; BPA has been linked to reproductive issues in women as well. In one study, researchers found that BPA caused reproductive problems that can affect women, including abnormal egg development. The eggs of fetuses exposed to BPA had difficulty forming follicles, which ultimately increases the risk of eggs dying before maturation. Additionally, the researchers observed other abnormalities, showing signs that they would carry too many chromosomes as a result of not dividing during development. This could lead to miscarriages or disorders like Down Syndrome.

6. Sparks Multiple Negative Brain Alterations

Further adding on to BPAs long list of negative effects, some research has also found that the chemical disrupts a gene responsible for proper nerve cell function, ultimately leading to compromised brain development. Researchers of the study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, discovered that BPA could damage central nervous system development by disrupting a gene called Kcc2.
“Our study found that BPA may impair the development of the central nervous system, and raises the question as to whether exposure could predispose animals and humans to neurodevelopmental disorders,” study researcher Dr. Wolfgang Liedtke, M.D., Ph.D., said.
Another study found that exposure to bisphenol-A early in life can spark changes in gene expression. The changes occur in a part of the brain called the amygdala, which can lead to increased levels of anxiety.
The study abstract states:
“Early life exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA), a component of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, alters sociosexual behavior in numerous species including humans. The present study focused on the ontogeny of these behavioral effects beginning in adolescence and assessed the underlying molecular changes in the amygdala.”

7. Obesity

Last, but certainly not least, BPA may be one of many factors responsible for the obesity epidemic. One study found that high BPA exposure is associated with obesity in the general adult population in the U.S.
Another study, examining BPA concentrations in the urine of kids aged 6 to 19, found that obese children made up 22% of individuals with the highest BPA levels in their urine. About 10% of kids who had the lowest BPA concentration in their urine were obese.
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7 Nasty Effects of BPA – The Plastic Chemical

bpaplastics 258x161 7 Nasty Effects of BPA   The Plastic ChemicalBisphenol a (BPA) is the widely used chemical found in many plastics, food can linings, and even on US dollars and receipts. Known as an endocrine-disrupting chemical that mimics the hormone estrogen, BPA has been linked to numerous negative health effects in countless studies. The worst part? While the Food and Drug Administration considered banning the chemical in March of 2012, the ban was denied, and BPA continues to be ubiquitous. So what exactly does mean? It means the entire U.S. is still subjected to the chemical’s negative effects.
Here are 7 nasty effects of BPA.

1. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is slowly becoming one of the many well-known negative outcomes induced by BPA exposure. In fact, over 130 studies have confirmed the link between bisphenol A and to ailments like breast cancer, obesity, and reproductive problems. Ironically, the popular nonprofit Susan G. Komen for the Cure partners with many bottled water companies for their ‘For the Cure’ races across the nation. The problem, obviously, is that most of these plastic bottles contain BPA.

2. Early Puberty

While girls typically enter into puberty (or have in the past, at least) at just over ten years of age, studies show that this age has fallen by more than a year within only one generation. Some girls are even seeing breasts at 7 years old. Although there are other factors to consider, BPA may be to blame as well.
After examining 1,151 girls between the ages of 6 and 8 in the United States over a two year period, researchers found that multiple chemical classes were detected at high levels within the girls’ urine. About one-third of the girls went through puberty prematurely.
“Our research shows a connection between chemicals that girls are exposed to on a daily basis and either delayed or early development. While more research is needed, these data are an important first step in evaluating the impact of these common environmental agents in putting girls at risk,” lead researchers Dr Mary Wolff said.

3. Heart Disease

Some research has linked both BPA and phthalates to a disorder known as atherosclerosis. This disorder, which is the hardening of the arteries through the buildup of plaques, negatively impacts blood flow and ultimately increases your risk of heart disease. Shocking, the research is not the first of its kind. One team also found that individuals with higher levels of bisphenol-a in their urine were more than twice as likely to suffer from coronary heart disease than those with lower levels.

4. and 5. Infertility in Males and Females

Bisphenol a has been found to be adversely affecting male genital development, subsequently leading to compromised fertility health. One study examined the effects of BPA on the distance between the genitalia and the anus in males, known as the Anogenital distance (AGD). AGD is very important biologically for a number of reasons, and plays a prominent role in the health of one’s fertility. Researchers found that parental exposure to BPA during pregnancy was associated with shortened AGD in male offspring. In other words, high level BPA exposure led to offspring with AGD defects.
AGD has been linked to fertility in males, making BPA’s negative impact on the male reproductive system noteworthy. Men with an AGD lower than the median, which sits around 52 mm (2 in), have seven times the chance of being sub-fertile as compared to those with a longer AGD.
But males aren’t the only one’s suffering; BPA has been linked to reproductive issues in women as well. In one study, researchers found that BPA caused reproductive problems that can affect women, including abnormal egg development. The eggs of fetuses exposed to BPA had difficulty forming follicles, which ultimately increases the risk of eggs dying before maturation. Additionally, the researchers observed other abnormalities, showing signs that they would carry too many chromosomes as a result of not dividing during development. This could lead to miscarriages or disorders like Down Syndrome.

6. Sparks Multiple Negative Brain Alterations

Further adding on to BPAs long list of negative effects, some research has also found that the chemical disrupts a gene responsible for proper nerve cell function, ultimately leading to compromised brain development. Researchers of the study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, discovered that BPA could damage central nervous system development by disrupting a gene called Kcc2.
“Our study found that BPA may impair the development of the central nervous system, and raises the question as to whether exposure could predispose animals and humans to neurodevelopmental disorders,” study researcher Dr. Wolfgang Liedtke, M.D., Ph.D., said.
Another study found that exposure to bisphenol-A early in life can spark changes in gene expression. The changes occur in a part of the brain called the amygdala, which can lead to increased levels of anxiety.
The study abstract states:
“Early life exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA), a component of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, alters sociosexual behavior in numerous species including humans. The present study focused on the ontogeny of these behavioral effects beginning in adolescence and assessed the underlying molecular changes in the amygdala.”

7. Obesity

Last, but certainly not least, BPA may be one of many factors responsible for the obesity epidemic. One study found that high BPA exposure is associated with obesity in the general adult population in the U.S.
Another study, examining BPA concentrations in the urine of kids aged 6 to 19, found that obese children made up 22% of individuals with the highest BPA levels in their urine. About 10% of kids who had the lowest BPA concentration in their urine were obese.
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Obama betrays America yet again by signing the 'Monsanto Protection Act' into law

President Barack Obama campaigned on promises to end secret prisons, decriminalize marijuana, balance the budget, honor the Second Amendment and make health care affordable. But what really unfolded was an explosion in the national debt (now $16 trillion and climbing), the signing of the NDAA, a claimed new power to kill any American at any time, even on U.S. soil, the use of military drones to murder American children overseas, a full-on assault against the Bill of Rights, a doubling of health insurance rates and the destruction of the U.S. economy.

But that's not all.Obama betrays America yet again by signing the 'Monsanto Protection Act' into law

Now Obama has signed the "Monsanto Protection Act" into law, stabbing America in the heart yet again and proving that no matter how convincing politicians appear on the campaign trail, they are still sociopathic liars in the end.

The Monsanto Protection Act, part of the HR 933 continuing resolution, allows Monsanto to override U.S. federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the country. Even if those experimental crops are found to be extremely dangerous or to cause a runaway crop plague, the U.S. government now has no judicial power to stop them from being planted and harvested.

As ibtimes.com reports, the bill "effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

GMOs now evade all regulations: America has become a grand Monsanto experiment

A Food Democracy Now petition now states:

With the Senate passage of the Monsanto Protection Act, biotech lobbyists are one step closer to making sure that their new GMO crops can evade any serious scientific or regulatory review.

This dangerous provision, the Monsanto Protection Act, strips judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer and farmer rights and the environment, while opening up the floodgates for the planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, citizens and the environment.

Corporate-government conspiracy is fascism

This new law forces the USDA to automatically approve all GMO planting permits sought by Monsanto and other biotech firms, effectively granting Monsanto dominion over the U.S. government. This is the very definition of fascism, a form of tyrannical government where corporations conspire with the government to destroy or confiscate all rights, powers and assets, leaving the people impoverished and powerless.

What's interesting about this development is that now even democrats are starting to wake up and see how evil Obama really is. As ibtimes reports:

"In this hidden backroom deal, Sen. Mikulski turned her back on consumer, environmental and farmer protection in favor of corporate welfare for biotech companies such as Monsanto," Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety, said in a statement. "This abuse of power is not the kind of leadership the public has come to expect from Sen. Mikulski or the Democrat Majority in the Senate."

Of course, for those of us who have been paying attention and warning everyone else about the dangerous power grab taking place under the Obama regime, this is exactly the kind of behavior we expected to see. The Senate has abandoned law. It has abandoned the Constitution, the rights of the People and even due process. We are now living under a corporate fascist tyranny where companies like Monsanto, General Electric and GlaxoSmithKline control the government and dictate policy. They literally write the laws.

This Monsanto Protect Act, says the Center for Food Safety, is "an unprecedented attack on U.S. judicial review of agency actions" and "a major violation of the separation of powers." (SOURCE)

But that's what Obama has always been about. He's the president who seized control of all farms, food and livestock across America. He's the guy who claims the power the decide who to assassinate anywhere in America. His administration has routinely conspired with Monsanto to endanger the American people and turn America's croplands into a grand, dangerous genetics experiment.

"Pandora's Box is unlocked, Obama just propped open the lid, and there's no way to cram the evil back in," wrote The Daily Sheeple. "I'm personally pledging at least one article per week about Monsanto, their incestuous relationship with the government, and their toxic grip on agriculture. I urge everyone to raise a deafening public outcry -- every voice adds to the noise that we can create."

Who is to blame? Senators Barbara Mikulski and Roy Blunt, among others

The chair of the committee that secretly slipped this provision into the bill was Sen. Barbara Mikulski, an absolute traitor to America for allowing the Monsanto Protection Act to become law. She could have stopped it, yet she did nothing to oppose it. She actually helped sneak it into law.

Like nearly all U.S. senators, Mikulski is now operating as an outright enemy of the People while selling out to corporate interests who are peddling poison and death.

There is hardly a U.S. senator remaining who respects his or her oath of office. While Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are showing real courage in the face of federal tyranny and oppression -- and Sen. Ron Wyden honestly tries to protect the people of Oregon from outrageous federal aggression -- most senators are now little more than corporate puppets who obey the bidding of their masters.

Sickeningly, Sen. Mikulski recently praised the creation of a Harriet Tubman memorial, honoring the courage of a woman who stood against tyranny and defended the people by creating the Underground Railroad. Yet Mikulski herself does the exact opposite, selling out to Monsanto and betraying people of all races by overseeing the passage of what is essentially a "judicial nullification power" now granted to a dangerous and truly evil corporation. Her actions in this matter were anti-trade, anti-America, anti-human and anti-justice.

Harriet Tubman, a true American hero, would absolutely shutter at the thought that a U.S. Senator honoring her memory was simultaneously betraying the people of America by handing over extra-judicial powers to a corporation engaged in widespread genetic pollution and agricultural malfeasance.

Harriet Tubman was born a slave and risked her life to lead others to freedom. Sen. Mikulski was born a privileged woman who risked nothing to lead her constituents to corporate slavery. For Mikulski to honor Tubman is an insult to the memory of Tubman and the freedom she stood for.

Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt actively conspired with Monsanto to write the provision

Mikulski wasn't the only Monsanto sellout in the U.S. Senate, of course: Missouri senator Roy Blunt was also part of the conspiracy to stab America in the heart and poison our food. According to another article on ibtimes.com:

The provision's language was apparently written in collusion with Monsanto. Lawmakers and companies working together to craft legislation is by no means a rare occurrence in this day and age. But the fact that Sen. Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, actually worked with Monsanto on a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning.

Who opposed the Monsanto Protection Act? Democratic Senator John Tester. As the NY Daily News reports:

Opposing the inclusion of the rider was Sen. John Tester (D-Mont.), who told Politico that the deal worked out with Monsanto was simply bad policy.

"These provisions are giveaways, pure and simple, and will be a boon worth millions of dollars to a handful of the biggest corporations in this country," Tester said.

Tester, of course, has been the voice of reason on several fronts in recent years, including the so-called Food Safety and Modernization Act of 2010 which granted the FDA vast new powers to terrorize gardeners and farmers across America. Sen. Tester proposed amendments that attempted to protect the freedoms of American farmers, but his efforts were of course thwarted by the evil corporate conspirators who now fill the U.S. Senate chambers.

America is lost... what now?

Voted into office by people whose hearts were filled with hope for real change, Obama now reveals himself to be a sinister serpent of deception who betrays the American people at every opportunity. The Obama Deception is the title of the film released by Alex Jones in 2009. At the time, Jones was ridiculed by Obama supporters who said Obama was their savior and anyone who criticized Obama was a racist.

Now, four years later, it's obvious that once again Alex Jones was right about Obama. Even democrats are increasingly realizing this shocking truth as they watch Obama betray the people of America on issues like GMOs, secret prisons, banker bailouts, due process and marijuana.

With deceivers like Obama at the helm, America has been turned over to corporate interests, and the rights and liberties of the People have been eviscerated. The U.S. federal government no longer represents the interests of the people. It has become a dominant, dangerous and arrogant machine of oppression and tyranny. It has abandoned law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It has violated the very principles upon which this nation was founded and now plays God with our seeds, our food and our future.

These are times of such treachery and betrayal that we cannot even imagine the web of deception being weaved to entrap and destroy truth in America. We the People are being deceived by false media propaganda and told everything is fine while Senators and bureaucrats march us into pits of death while corporate bulldozers stand by to quickly cover up the mass graves.

The United States government is at WAR with the American people, and that war is being waged with every poison imaginable: genetic pollution, disinfo propaganda, chemical fluoride poisoning, vaccine lobotomies, chemtrails, psychiatric drugs and twisted mental health initiatives. The battleground for this war is your dinner plate, your tap water, your medicine and your core beliefs. The goal of the war is the complete decimation of all cognitive awareness and the abolition of freedom of thought. Give this a few more years, and the mere utterance of any idea critical of the government will be considered an "act of terrorism" punishable by death.

Today I ask: What are YOU doing to defend truth, liberty and justice against the march of government betrayal? Whatever it is, find a way to do more, or we will lose everything.


: http://www.naturalnews.com/